Next Week

(1) Job Interviews. I have 2. Dave has one.

(2) We are working on our combined budget.

(3) I shut down my two single Bank Accounts (branches only located on the mainland). I still have two more open with my ex. But there is no charge on those two accounts.

(4) Dave’s Chapter 7 has been fully approved. It should pass through judge by the end of this month.

(5) I started taking the pill form of an allergy nasal spray twice a day — no more severe allergies.

(6) My counseling appointments continue to devastate me. Just difficult to get through. I feel like, by the end of it, I actually will not have learned anything. We shall see …

One Response to “Next Week”

  1. Patty Gallia says:

    Keep going to therapy. I remember thinking is this good foe me. Said no and found a new one. but it does feel as if nothing is happening then after going it does make sense. it is not going to help what has happened but eventually you learn to live with it in a way that is right for you. in the end you are much stronger mentally then before.

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